Non-Fiction Annotation
Title: Evicted Poverty and Profit in the American City
Author: Matthew Desmond
Genre: Non-Fiction
Publishing Date: March 2016
Time Period: 2014-2015
Geographical Setting: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Pages: 415
Plot Summary
Desmond embarks on a year journey of understanding poverty
in the United States. His research is done in the city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
He becomes close with several families and documents their struggles to keep a
roof over their head. Every American citizen should read this book. Desmond
opens our eyes to the unseen horrors many families face every day.
Subject Headings
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Section 8
Pacing: Normal
Tone: Depressing. You are reading about the worst times in people’s
Characterization: Narrated by the author. We meet several
different families.
Language: English
3 Term Description
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I help patrons every day at the library who are struggling with poverty and it's not uncommon for me to help patrons with paperwork related to eviction. In fact, my neighbors are being evicted this week and it has left me with so many questions. I agree that everyone could benefit to read this book since the housing crisis effects every person in some way. Do you have any fiction titles related to this book?