Week 14 Diverse Annotation


Title: Concrete Rose

Author: Angie Thomas

Genre: Diverse/Young Adult

Publication Date: Jan 2021

Pages: 368

Geographical Setting: Garden Heights (Urban Setting)

Time Period: 1990’s


Plot Summary

Maverick is a teenager who needs to support his family. His father, a gang leader, is in prison while Maverick mother’s is trying to hold the family together financially. Maverick finds out he can make easy cash by selling drugs. He joins his father’s gang and starts bringing in the dough. As life is unexpected, Maverick finds out he is a father. The mother abandons their son at his doorstep. Maverick must make some tough choices to keep his family together. 


Subject Settings



Teenage Pregnancy

High School



Pacing: Fast paced, holds the readers interest. 

Tone: Serious

Characterization: In the voice of Maverick. 

Language: English

3 Term Description





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  1. This plot sounds really intriguing... I find it interesting that Maverick is (potentially) faced with being a single father - usually in stories that revolve around hardship/teenage pregnancy, it's the young woman who is the focus, along with the struggles she deals with around whether or not to include the father in their life. Did you find that this aspect was a large part of the plot, or was it one of many?


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