Week 5 Prompt


Do you think it's fair that one type of book is reviewed to death and other types of books get little to no coverage? 

No, I do not think it is fair. Best selling popular authors are always going to get more attention than an author just starting out. Unfortunately, you could have an author with remarkable talent, that is overlooked by a reviewer just because they are new.

 How does this affect a library's collection?

I think it hurts the library collection. These new authors are not getting their books out to the public because library dollars are being spent on the big names.

 And how do you feel about review sources that won't print negative content? 

I feel they are biased. Everyone needs criticism even if it is uncomfortable. How else will you improve?

If you buy for your library, how often do you use reviews to make your decisions?

I would take the reviews into consideration, but I will keep an open mind for the new authors out there. Also, patrons may love books that receive negative reviews. Everyone has a different opinion.

What are some of your favorite review sources?


I like to read what people say on Amazon and Goodreads.


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