Week 13 Young Adult Annonation
Title: A Court of Silver Flames Author: Sarah Maas Genre: Young Adult Publishing Date: September 2022 Time Period: 1600’s Geographical Setting: Prythian Faeririe Lands Pages: 784 Plot Summary Nesta must go on a journey to find magical objects to save her sister. Along the way she finds love and passion. Cassian is her enemy put the anger turns to a fiery love affair. Come along for the ride as Nesta battles good and evil. Subject Headings Magic Family Fairies Romance Appeal Pacing: Starts slow. Picks up in the middle. Tone: Passionate. Nesta cares deeply for her family. Characterization: In the voice of Nesta. Language: English 3 Term Subscription Passionate Sexy Adventurous Similar Books Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros Violent was looking forward to having a quiet life as a librarian. The General has decided that she must join the academy of dragon riders. Now, she is just trying to survive and...